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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reebok & Hello Kitty: Kombined !!!

Hello, my name is Kiki. I am addicted to Hello Kitty. It has been 20days since i bought something Hello Kitty. LoL No but seriously, my addiction to Hello Kitty has calmed down a little bit since last year, but that doesn't mean i dont keep up with what my favorite bitch ! Kitty has combined with Reebok to come out with these fabolous sneaker (or hideous depending on how you feel) They won't be available till November but you can pre-order at Atmos.com

The fuzziness really tickles me !


  1. . omgggggggggggggg those are beautiful & very unique.

  2. i knoooo, i dont know if i would wear them or put up on a shelf as decoration ! lol
