So winter is fast approaching, and you want to get fit for the occasion. What do you do? You go to the mall and buy all the fresh new gear for the cold weather. So now you’re swagging it out at the school house, club, bar, or whatever it is you hang out, but something’s not right is it? It seems that everyone but you is cuddled up with a member of the opposite sex, but your dumbass is solo dolo because you follow the 3 "P's". What are the three P's you ask? It’s simple: Pimp her, Play her, and Pass her (or him, it’s all the same). Anywho, so now your looking around, confused to why the rest of the world decided to up and get lovely dovey and your lonelier then Mel Gibson at the Million Man March. Clearly you don’t know about a lil thing called "Bunning Season". What’s Bunning Season you ask? Well first and foremost, Bunning Season & Killing Season (for those who don’t know what KS is, click HERE) are two peas in a pod. They are both thing that you have no control over. Don’t trip, threes nothing wrong with that at all. I mean really, who can blame you for wanting to have someone warm to cuddle with and watch movies with in the freezing cold? I completely understand homie, and im not mad at ya. But alas, Bunning Season does have its dangers.
The number one danger during these months is people who don’t know their role. What do I mean? I am referring to the situation in which a "Bun Joint" confuses him or her self for a "Main joint". What is a Bun Joint you ask? A BJ (insert childish joke here) is someone who you mess around with, but 9/10 times have no intention of settling down with. They are also the person who u call to bring you food in the dead of night, buy you new gear, lend money, etc, but In your hearts you both know that if it weren’t for the fact that its to cold out to be running around chasing members of the opposite sex, you two most likely would not spend as much time together as you do now. Is there a problem with this? Of Course not. The trouble comes when the air starts get warmer, and you want to get back to the "3 p's”, but your Bun Joint now assumes that there is a real connection between you two and wants to make it a full time job. Kind of throws a wrench in you plans doesn’t it? All I’m saying is: Watch who you decide to Bun up this year, because you never how crazy the person you were fucking with is until its time to dump his or her ass. And what do you do if you DO get the crazy one? Fuck if I know, imp just a blogger....
Side note: I am currently taking applications for a Bun Joint. Hit me on twitter with your Resume lol...
Omg rexmajor ! Freaking awesome post !