So winter is fast approaching, and you want to get fit for the occasion. What do you do? You go to the mall and buy all the fresh new gear for the cold weather. So now you’re swagging it out at the school house, club, bar, or whatever it is you hang out, but something’s not right is it? It seems that everyone but you is cuddled up with a member of the opposite sex, but your dumbass is solo dolo because you follow the 3 "P's". What are the three P's you ask? It’s simple: Pimp her, Play her, and Pass her (or him, it’s all the same). Anywho, so now your looking around, confused to why the rest of the world decided to up and get lovely dovey and your lonelier then Mel Gibson at the Million Man March. Clearly you don’t know about a lil thing called "Bunning Season". What’s Bunning Season you ask? Well first and foremost, Bunning Season & Killing Season (for those who don’t know what KS is, click HERE) are two peas in a pod. They are both thing that you have no control over. Don’t trip, threes nothing wrong with that at all. I mean really, who can blame you for wanting to have someone warm to cuddle with and watch movies with in the freezing cold? I completely understand homie, and im not mad at ya. But alas, Bunning Season does have its dangers.
The number one danger during these months is people who don’t know their role. What do I mean? I am referring to the situation in which a "Bun Joint" confuses him or her self for a "Main joint". What is a Bun Joint you ask? A BJ (insert childish joke here) is someone who you mess around with, but 9/10 times have no intention of settling down with. They are also the person who u call to bring you food in the dead of night, buy you new gear, lend money, etc, but In your hearts you both know that if it weren’t for the fact that its to cold out to be running around chasing members of the opposite sex, you two most likely would not spend as much time together as you do now. Is there a problem with this? Of Course not. The trouble comes when the air starts get warmer, and you want to get back to the "3 p's”, but your Bun Joint now assumes that there is a real connection between you two and wants to make it a full time job. Kind of throws a wrench in you plans doesn’t it? All I’m saying is: Watch who you decide to Bun up this year, because you never how crazy the person you were fucking with is until its time to dump his or her ass. And what do you do if you DO get the crazy one? Fuck if I know, imp just a blogger....
Side note: I am currently taking applications for a Bun Joint. Hit me on twitter with your Resume lol...
Fashion and Relationship all baked up in a delicious blog called "KUPCAKE & KOUTURE" for your viewing pleasure...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
I hate blogs...
When it comes to blogging, I’ve done it all. Had my own blog? Been there. Guest blogged for other sites? yup, done that too. Since i started writing, i can honestly say that I've done well over 300+ blog post between the various sites that i run/work with. But you know what the fucked up part about this whole thing is? I hate blogging. No, that’s not right... maybe i've just grown bored with it. After the initial hype of "I have my own blog" died out, i just really lost any and all motivation to do original posts and started Re-Blogging other peoples shit. So why am i once more behind the keyboard doing something that i claim not to like? It's simple really: Kiki has always and forever been my ride or die homie. From living with no power for months to working at Fashion Week in Miami, Kiki has been there. And even though we have had our own personal issues with each other, i still couldn’t turn her down when she offered me a spot on the blog. Why, you ask? i can answer that with one word: Inspiration. Seeing someone put so much passion and work into something without a guarantee of success makes me want to do the same. And the way i see it, this blog need some a male voice also. So without further ado, i present to you: Myself.
To be honest, i really do hate talking about myself, so i guess me and Ki will get together later and do a quick interveiw of me so you all can get an Idea of who i am, so untill then people.... im out
P.S. Follow me on twitter @RexMajor
P.P.S. (btw, i do NOT own MBZ, i just work wit them)
To be honest, i really do hate talking about myself, so i guess me and Ki will get together later and do a quick interveiw of me so you all can get an Idea of who i am, so untill then people.... im out
P.S. Follow me on twitter @RexMajor
P.P.S. (btw, i do NOT own MBZ, i just work wit them)
New Author Coming Soon !
This blog is actually getting more hits than i expected. Im bringing on my good friend to become apart of the blog ! He's had his own blog, (Rex Major blog) which was really awesome till he got lazy (lol) He also has his own clothing line called Madd Bananas. You wont be disappointed , just be prepared because we're taking over !
10 Secrets Men Keep
We all know men keep secrets, and so do women. But thats irrelevant in this post. LoL . Seriously speaking, you might have a man that tells you everything but please believe he's not telling you the same secrets that he's telling his homies. Wives and girlfriends are kept at a distance from there secret talk.
- Men are always gonna look at other women: Call it stupidity or just plain but either way men will always check out other chicks. It doesn't necessarily mean he will holler (at that moment) it just means he's admiring her looks. Just let him look, its harmless (most of the time) then bring the attention back to yourself.
- A man feels less romantic after a fight: If you know you want to cuddle tonight, don't start a argument over something sill like leaving the toilet seat up or why he didn't call soon as he got in. Guys don't want the headache and will probably end up going to sleep on that ass.
- We need to talk = no bueno: When you tell your guy "let's talk or we have to talk about something later", they usually blank out and think "Damn !" They begin to think about what have they done wrong ? Have you figured what they actually been doing ? All the bad thought run through their mind. Calm his nerves and actually talk about something fun, like sex.
- Drunk and Hot Girls: Being drunk and slutty is only cool in the club. No guy likes for his female to be that drunk girl everybody is feeling up on. Don't drunk dial him because it might be funny to you, he's thinking about how slutty your being. Sorry.
- Female Friends...hmmm: He most likely met his female friend because one of them liked each other and the feelings wasn't mutual or maybe there former fuck buddies who decided to stop fucking. Its ton of reasons. Put it like this,if his female friend is a tad bit attractive, he probably thought about fucking her. Even if you don't like the bitch LOL. I joke, I joke.
- What his friends think: After you have met the homies, they discuss you ! Yep, if your guy has a group of friends that he hangs around, he most likey has ask what they think about you after. Most of the time they'll be honest but some might throw you under the bus. But don't worry, your guy won't take their opinions to heart. Hopefully.
- He checks out your mother: Yep, when he meets your mother, he's taking notes. He wants to know how you will age, whats your potential in the future. If you have a not-so-hot mom, he might not think otherwise But he's definitely gonna watch out for those looks to start coming out.
- He compares himself to your male friends: It's a simple part of nature. When you'r guy meets your guy friend, he compares himself, not out of jealousy but ego. As long as he can make himself come out on top, it's all good.
- His Crazy Ex: When you ask a guy about his last relationship, he will most likely tell you "that crazy bitch was crazy !" And the reason they broke up was because she was sooo crazy. Right ? Well im sure nobody becomes crazy for no reason so he probably did something but doesn't want to tell on himself so just believe him and find the ex and ask. LoL j/k
- He wants a threesome: For some of you this might not be a secret. But yes it's true, he wants a threesome and most likely with you'r hot bestfriend. It doesn't mean he wants to date her, or that he likes her more. He just want to pleasure both of you at the same time or watch y'all pleasure each other. Don't be offended, just take it all in. And depending on how much you love him, give him a nice birthday gift. One time only of course.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
How To: Female Orgasm
Getting older should mean better sex, more orgasms and knowledge about your sexual-self. Instead of myself explaining the break down of a female orgasm, i dug up a article from a couple of stastics. Enjoy !
Hope you enjoyed the info...and put it in to GOOD use ! Please and thank you's ! lol
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Ok, i can beleive some people fake it, but dang 67% ? Come on ladies,let him know! |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wiz Khalifa Concert Outfit !
Soooo for those lucky people who got tickets to go see Mr.Khalifa in Houston this Halloween weekend, I have the perfect outfit ! Wiz is a VERY laid back dude, and likes to look it. So for a concert were you can forget the heels (if u must) this concert is the perfect thing for it. I also understand since the concert is on Halloween, most people will probably wear a costume. which is fine also. Im sure he will be to high to notice the difference! I joke, i joke ! LoL
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Very laid back but cute ! |
*How to Dress up a T-Shirt*
I hate when im standing in my closet with absolutely nothing to wear ! Im staring a gazillion options, but all I really want to do is throw on a T-shirt and go out the door. Don't get it misunderstood, a t-shirt is one of the best options. It's a comfortable choice.And you can always dress it up or down. Statement necklaces are always fun, but you can also add a pair of skinny jeans and stilettos or a cute blazer to your run of the mill top to make it pop. Let’s take a look at how some celebrities rock it right:
Notice, the girls above are not rocking your standard ‘gym issue’ tees. To make t-shirts fashionable, stick to classically chic neutral colors like white, black, or gray. Then add a pair of skinny jeans and peep toe stilettos like BeyoncĂ©, throw on a blazer and short shorts like Rihanna, add a statement necklace like Kim Kardashian, or wear a vintage inspired tee with leopard print sandals like Cassie. Either way, you’re sure to look hot!
Notice, the girls above are not rocking your standard ‘gym issue’ tees. To make t-shirts fashionable, stick to classically chic neutral colors like white, black, or gray. Then add a pair of skinny jeans and peep toe stilettos like BeyoncĂ©, throw on a blazer and short shorts like Rihanna, add a statement necklace like Kim Kardashian, or wear a vintage inspired tee with leopard print sandals like Cassie. Either way, you’re sure to look hot!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
When Cheating Goes Wrong !
Cheater's is by far my favorite trashy show !!! People acting crazy, getting exsposed, fighting...all of it ! I enjoy i guess, cause those people act like me (back in the day) ! Lol, now i would never put myself out like that on a show. But i do admit for having my moments, for real ! No bueno, i know. But seriously, what brings us to the point were we want to physical hurt & damage stuff. Personally, for me it was the fact that I had put so much into the relationship and i wasn't leaving without a fight (or until somebody draws blood). Of course i've grown out of that lifestyle and try not repeat those relationships. Some of us can admit to being on both sides of the fence as in "the cheater" and "the cheated". Either way its not a good thing. Some of us are actually repeat offenders. Why cheat on a person more then once ? Why go back to a person that have cheated ? Its smart & dumb answers for this question but as long as you'r happy it shouldn't matter. Just dont let cheating make you un-happy. If you'r not happy in a relationship then leave, don't cheat ! If you'r think you'r being the "cheated", don't confront...confirm ! Then confront. LoL
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no, i did NOT do this ! |
Reebok & Hello Kitty: Kombined !!!
Hello, my name is Kiki. I am addicted to Hello Kitty. It has been 20days since i bought something Hello Kitty. LoL No but seriously, my addiction to Hello Kitty has calmed down a little bit since last year, but that doesn't mean i dont keep up with what my favorite bitch ! Kitty has combined with Reebok to come out with these fabolous sneaker (or hideous depending on how you feel) They won't be available till November but you can pre-order at
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The fuzziness really tickles me ! |
iT's Turning into a Monster !!
I don't know how, maybe because im doing this by myself (thanks Kinishia !) but my blog is slowly turning into a sex/relationship blog...I don't know how, being it was supposed to be a half relationship, half fashion. I guess because its my nature to be like this. LoL Ridic, i know...but im thinking i need to bring on more people. Oh well can't stop what God inspires me to write. I'll try to write more fashion post, give me time ! LOL See ya later !
Monday, October 25, 2010
Seven Sex Rules/Facts
Ok, as we all might know (or maybe not) I am a very "sexual" expressive person. I don't mind discussing it, advising on it or even doing it. But as I got older, I learned a couple of facts and developed some rules on my own. Will i share them with you ? Of course ! lol
- Get nasty with at least 12 people before settling down: Its a mathematical fact (i HATE math) so I'll put it simple. When it comes to picking a great lover, you'll have a betterr chance if you don't settle down to early, because you haven't met enough people to decide. And don't have to MANY lovers, because then you might pass up that special one by being a whore. LOL
- Women sleep around more: I know, shocking right !? Well scientist "claim" we just lie about our sex number. And men usually lie about the actual number also, making theirs higher then it really is.
- A Penis should NOT have a taste: If the dick your sucking has a taste other then Dove or maybe a little sweat (still gross) then im sorry, cause most likely it has been somewhere other than his pants. If it taste sweet, then surprise !!! Your sucking a Sour Patch Kids dick !
- Now, nutt or semen: Scientist say that majority of males semen should taste kind of bland (like white people food). If you'r guy is a un-healthy eater or drinks tons of soda then it might have a nasty bleach taste. Tell him to change up his diet to fruits, veggie's & water ! Now its safe to get your throat wet ! LOL
- Females, listen up: Yeah, you can act like Plie's was rapping about you'r cooch when he said it taster like water. Sorry to inform you but if you can smell through your jeans then it most like don't. Basically, every female has a "certain" scent. Thats normal, but if you want to control the taste then follow these rules: Eat and drink what you desire to taste like. You want to taste like water then drink it ! Want to taste like sweet fruit, eat tons of it ! Stay away from soda and fast food, that gives it a acidic taste. You are what you eat hun !
- Pain = Pleasure: Getting you'r hair pulled & ass smacked are not just for porn star's ! When receiving pleasure then added with a little bit of pain, makes the great just a tad bit greater ! I personally enjoy all of the above, and sometimes a little bit of choking (i know, i know) but really try it. While things are getting hot and heavy, demand to get your ass slapped ! Its a great way to make sex kinker !
- Girls are Squirter's too: Some of us lucky females hold the special talent of "Squirting". Sounds pretty freaky, i know or just something you've see in porno's. But i assure its REAL ! Most likely while ding doggie style you feel that urge like you have to pee but stronger with each stroke...that mean you have to CUM. Let it out and see what happens, you might come to find out your a squiter !
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hmmm... Whats for Dinner ?
Actually the title has nothing to do with the blog tonight. I know, i know that's awkward. I have a lot on my mind tonight. What was supposed to be s great day, the night isn't to fun. When my mind is in a lot of places,i can't seem to really write about anything in particular. If i did this, this blog could go either way. I could hypothetically write about how one day you love somebody then the next your "twatching" them (thanks Josh for that word)and all of a sudden you hate them ! Or i could write about how somebody "friend" is actually trying to get with them behind their gf/bf back. Or what about something sweet like, "what to cook to make him horny & happy". Like i said this blog could go either way tonight so I think ill sleep and hopefully my mind will be clear enough to write tomorrow. Toddles !
Thursday, October 21, 2010
It's Late & iM TiPSY ! iDGAF
Ok its around 2am, me & my homegirl up talkin about the most randomest things ! But you know me, ima "blogger" now sooo im blogging !! (duhhhh). Ok relationships: if you feel like you in a sucky ass relationship and its just not going were you want it to go. Just say "FUCK IT" ! Naw but fa real, just stopping caring what (& who) you do. Just give up completely ! I mean thats what there doing right ? Right ! i cant explain it no better ! Im probally gonna delete this post later (later like when i come back to my sense) lol Goodnight boys & girls !
Is "girlfriend" in the Bible ?
When you fill out a application or some type of form, it asked: 1.Single 2.Married 3.Divorced 4.Windowed ....sooo no girlfriend/boyfriend option. Hmmmm so does that mean that your significant other is just a mere "friend" since you dont have legal ties to this person. When you read the bible do you ever come across some one just dating and kicking it ? Nope me neither, and yes i do read the bible (lol). But really , think about it: boyfriends & girlfriends are meant for middle and high schooler's. Im damn near a grown women, why the hell would i need a boyfriend. How about a MANfriend ? lol Seriously though, you can't really complain about a bf/gf cheating because technically you dont have any say so. That can be hard also. Because if your anything like me, you catch feelings, i dont have time for the cheating, the twitter flirting or your "play" sisters....My answer to that:
New Found Love: Married to The M.O.B Clothing Line
I've known about M.O.B for awhile and FINALLY brought myself to purchase a few items.
Married to the Mob was conceptualized on a hot sticky New York City day in summer 2004. Sitting on her stoop on Spring Street and working on her second to-go Margarita, it dawned on label founder Leah that while there were tons of great street brands for guys, there was virtually no version out there for females. Thus the concept for MOB was born: A streetwear label designed for women and by women.
Growing up in a city like New York, you're only as good as the crew that you run with and the name of the label is Leah's tribute to the ""Most Official Bitches,"" who through the ups and downs and highs and lows never failed to have her back. Design inspiration for the label is literally up from the streets of New York and its clubs, secret hang-out spots and smoke-filled parties, making MOB equal parts chic, smart-mouthed, and definitely not-to-be-messed with. No doubt it's all New York attitude, but in the three years since it was founded, the MOB label has found female fans all over the globe who can identify with its street smarts.
Love MOB, hate it, stalk its every move, it inspires opinions because more than just a clothing label, it's a lifestyle that speaks to style-confident females everywhere. Whether a MOB tee, string bikini, blog or photo shoot, everything has the MOB crew's attitude, charm and appeal stamped all over it.
Most of the old and new clothing line on Karma Loop, Plunder and of course
Growing up in a city like New York, you're only as good as the crew that you run with and the name of the label is Leah's tribute to the ""Most Official Bitches,"" who through the ups and downs and highs and lows never failed to have her back. Design inspiration for the label is literally up from the streets of New York and its clubs, secret hang-out spots and smoke-filled parties, making MOB equal parts chic, smart-mouthed, and definitely not-to-be-messed with. No doubt it's all New York attitude, but in the three years since it was founded, the MOB label has found female fans all over the globe who can identify with its street smarts.
Love MOB, hate it, stalk its every move, it inspires opinions because more than just a clothing label, it's a lifestyle that speaks to style-confident females everywhere. Whether a MOB tee, string bikini, blog or photo shoot, everything has the MOB crew's attitude, charm and appeal stamped all over it.
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this shirt is totally bitching !! |
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All day every day |
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Can somebody PLEASE cop this for me !? |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Im back !!!! Again for the hmmmmm....3rd time !! 3rd time is a charm. So go follow me on twitter @kupcake_ki . Please and thank you !!! More blogging later, but currently it's 3:33am so nite nite !!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Morning Boner: Not Just for Guys
While listening to Trey Songz, it reminded me of a debate i had in high school health class. My teacher was explaining the reason why guys have boner's in the morning. When I asked whats the reason for females having them also in the morning. When he "claimed" females DO NOT have boners...Hmmm then why do I have them ?! I refused to believe that I was the only awkward female. Fast forward to college years (currently) in sex psychology, i asked the same answer. And what do you know i got a completely different answer. Eureka ! It is true, a (lucky) majority of females wake up aroused ! Reason being because most likely they had a erotic dream or just waking up to that special person. I knew there was a reason a enjoyed morning sex ! Only difference is nobody can tell if a female is aroused (thank God) but don't be surprised if your chick taps you on the shoulder in the morning for a little ahem...
Best Romantic Ideas for the Romantic Hadicap !
Being a Cancer (june 23) makes me a very romantic person at heart (when i want to be). I can come up with the best date ideas and the greatest romantic things to do. Only down fall, i cant do them by myself. But i dont mind giving out advice on them. Most of my friends that are in college and basically broke (or just selfish) aren't to creative in the dating area. Alot of guys just take girls to the movies and call it a night (wink,wink). LOL. But seriously guys, people have been taking dates to the movies since middle know when your mom had to come pick you & your date up. Then the regular movie night at the crib,order a pizza and chill. The movie night is all fine and dandy...if you have been dating for awhile. But seriously that isnt gonna cut it in the beginning. I detest the whole movie date in the beginning because you cant quite get to know somebody in a quiet movie theater. I also understand the money issue: My solution...go to an inexpensive restuarant or ice cream parlor. You can chat there and im sure your date wont mind a place were yall can talk openly. But my favorite date skating or bowling. Do something neither of you rarely do! This will break the awkard moment because activites like this bring out the child and allows both of u to be silly !
Commitment = Death
Asking a guy to be committed and exclusive is like asking them to cut off one of their balls ! I understand the reason for this (i think). Let me take a stab at it: We're young and rebellious at this age (18-24) this is the time to build your career, finish school and figure out what you REALLY want. With all this taken into consideration is it ok to string along a potential future partner ? Knowing that it'll end like a middle school relationship. Hmmmm good question...maybe to good. Is asking for a little commitment from your spouse, with out marriage too much ? Are should you expect to be played and toyed with for the time being because of our age ? Me, personally don't mind being on either side of the fence as long as there is an understanding about what type of relationship it is. Are you in a monogamous relationship or open ? Or do you even know ?
Marriage vs. Wedding:
It is a well known fact, they i LOVE weddings. More so the glamour than the romance. Ehhh romance isn't something I believe a 100% in (sorry). You know the phrase "women have been plannig their wedding since...blah blah". Well that is kinda true... But for me, i've never pictured the groom. Just the red velvet cake, my tons of gifts from Tiffany's and Neimen Marcus, my fab dress and of course my ROCK ! Its nothing personal to the future groom, but if I do marry for love it'll be years from now. With the economy still looking shabby, most marriages are based off of what each other brings to the table and if they would be able to raise a "finacial" stable family. I really don't have a problem with that because if your marriage is not finacially stable then it fails (90% of the time). Summarize this: marry for whatever reason is best for you !
Monday, October 18, 2010
Captain Sav-A-Hoe: Good Girls Finish Last
While listening to various hip-hop artist on the way to Baton Rouge (yea, i took a lil' vacay) but anyway it seem like alot of artist have a song about saving a hoe. Excuse the term "hoe", but basically someone who strips for a living or sleeps with guys for money. For some odd reason guys like to come to the rescue of these females : / Story line: Female stripping to feed her kid. Dude frequents strip club ALOT. Because infatuated with Dancer. Dude wants to rescue from her "bad" lifestyle and take care of her forever. The End. Also don't forget about all the athletes and rappers "wifeing" up all the exotic dancers. What happened to meeting a nice girl in school, whose working to support herself ? Maybe guys are intimidated by the "progressing" female (just a thought). What is it that these lesser females bring to the table ? What is it that make guys wanna save & support them ? The female that would drop everything to help, be there for her dude and even faithful is always left heartbroken or single. Basically, do Good Girls finish last ?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
PORN = Better Relationship !
Male. Female . We all have our favorites. Dude's, if your chick say she doesnt watch porn & thinks its digusting...that bitch is lying. Everybody has watched a flick. I, personally love them..mostly girl on girl (no homo) lol but some of the guys i porno's are soo ugly and i can't bring myself to watch. Girl on Girl is more intimate and less bad actting. Minus Pinky who like to strap-on and be the dude, I enjoy it. Girls, if you ask to watch porn with your guy, then you've just earned 10 points on HIS check-list. Watching porn doesnt make you a whore, gross or desperate. If anything it helps the situation ! And for some, it improves their sex game !
Best Sex Position For...
This post is merely for fun and facts. Hmmm it might actually help somebody out, who knows.
Best Sex Position for....
Best Sex Position for....
- Fat People: Fat people are working with alot (some more then others) but 10 times out of 10 they all have "the belly" ! This makes mostly easy positions hard. Guys, I highly doubt you would what a fat chick riding you, right ? So for those Plus Size Cowgirls, she should lean alllllllllllllll the way back (Fat Joe style) this takes off most the weight that would be forced onto you. But the easiest position by far would be Bulldog Style (also known as Doggy style.) This position allows the female to feel secure sense you can't see her belly.
- Ugly People: Guys, if you have a ugly chick that you just have to knock down (why, idk) then i advise you to start off by turning off ALL lights ! Ok that takes care of most of it, but if you still feel like you can't perform...flip that dog over & go for the # 1 position: Doggy Style, face down, ass up. Females: If your faced with a difficult "lay" and must do it for whatever reason then let me give you this advise: Take 5 shot of Patron Silver (no chaser), pray you get sick from achol poisioning and thats that. LOL
- "Below" Average People: At times we run into those people that were BIG talk when you met. Claiming they might have you walking funny for weeks or that you might be sprung off their large dick *side eye*. You also have your females that have "claim" their pucci might drown a nigga or that its so FAT a dude wont even faze her. Then ya'll get to the bedroom & its the complete OPPOSITE. To basically deal with these type of people...FAKE IT !! Fake it and never come back ! Or laugh at there hadicap and get the fuck out of there !
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Back on that on Social Network Crack: Twiiter
As some of you might know (more or less) im a former FB celeb, then it began to take over my life. So I did the best thing ever, I went cold turkey and deleted all of my twitter and FB accounts. I went from having a trillion (ok, maybe a couple 300) friends and tons of pics to completely deleting everything. In the end it was all good. I got back to life before the FB craze and actually started to make real connections with people again. But this blog (which i love now) has force me to go back to the Social Networking Crack-ish...yes, I am back on Twitter (im to much of punk to go back to FB). So please, all go add me on twitter @kupcakeki
American Apparel (a.k.a) Porn Fashion.
Don't get me wrong now, i love American Apparel as much as the next broke-but-spending-$55-on-a-shirt girl (lol). I like to shop online at night, for one I dont feel guilty if I dont buy something as I would if I was in the store and it keeps me motivated so i can afford those $40 knee high socks. If anybody wasn't up on there online shopping they would think i was totally looking at porno pics ! Yes, shit gets real on freaky ! Females: dont let your guy order you anything off the website. He might get (ahem) sidetracked .
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might as well take it off... |
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bend it ova... |
Monday, October 11, 2010
When is it Time to Give up The Club Scene ?
I recently took a long haitus away from the club/party scene. Long haitus as in months of no clubbing or partying. I just felt like i outgrew the whole atmosphere. Now i admit i had some fun times while i was on the scene. Who doesn't like free drinks, drunken dancing (lol) super cute dj's and just a way to enjoy the weekend after a stressful week. But with that being said, the club also has plenty cons.
2. RATCHET GIRLS: Yes, we all have seen them. The lace front chicks with sprite in their cup acting
drunk. Then you have the super "thristy" chicks that think their at Platnium City working and
working super hard for a couple of $1 & $5's. Chile get off that floor and act right ! Then you have
the "Sexy Girl Group", the group of ugly girls. Through a pretty friend in ya'll click then maybe
3. The "Rich" Broke Guys: Yea OK, i see you player with you'r bottle of SutterHome Mascato
that was on sale at CVS but hey you balling right !? Any way buddy keep it moving ! Then
have the guys that buy out the bar then drive home in a shitty car and return that Polo back to
All in all after my recent trip back on the scene, i remembered why i STOPPED going. Back to movie nights at home and only special occasion parties. Adios
- The same tired dudes trying to holla: Ok here is were i reallystarted hating the clubs. Some guys jsutg don't know when to give up ! Then you have those who know they don't stand a chance and still try. Handing me you'r phone will NOT get you the digits and just becaused we danced together doesn't mean I like you. I just really liked that song !
2. RATCHET GIRLS: Yes, we all have seen them. The lace front chicks with sprite in their cup acting
drunk. Then you have the super "thristy" chicks that think their at Platnium City working and
working super hard for a couple of $1 & $5's. Chile get off that floor and act right ! Then you have
the "Sexy Girl Group", the group of ugly girls. Through a pretty friend in ya'll click then maybe
ya'll would stand a chance of a second look. BLAH !
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are you really that thirsty boo ? |
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yall sooo kurte ! |
that was on sale at CVS but hey you balling right !? Any way buddy keep it moving ! Then
have the guys that buy out the bar then drive home in a shitty car and return that Polo back to
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yea im talking bout ya'll |
All in all after my recent trip back on the scene, i remembered why i STOPPED going. Back to movie nights at home and only special occasion parties. Adios
Kupcaking/Cuffing Season: Fact or Fiction ?
Ok so apparently it's "cuffing" season. For those of you unfamiliar with the terminology cuffing means to enter into a monogamous relationship or more simply making that special person your boyfriend or girlfriend. So around winter time a lot of young people who were in casual sometimes sexual relationships start pairing off and becoming "official". But is this really a "season" or just time to settle in the cold weather.
Yea so it's cold and you want someone to cuddle up with, but the question still remains what happens once summer rolls around again? Do you remain in the relationship or do you ditch this person and return to your playa ways? Will you be taking a part of "cuffing season" ?
Yea so it's cold and you want someone to cuddle up with, but the question still remains what happens once summer rolls around again? Do you remain in the relationship or do you ditch this person and return to your playa ways? Will you be taking a part of "cuffing season" ?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Wedding Dresses & Disney COMBINED !!
Its official ! My two passions (other than cupcakes & fashion) have combined. Major wedding designer, Alfred Angelo and Disney have merg to produce Disney Princess inspired wedding dresses. Not saying that im looking to get married any time soon, but a nice engagement rock would be nice (lol). Any girl that says that not just a little bit excited about wedding dresses or Disney must have a pee-pee in between their legs. I wonder will they have a special "Say Yes to the Dress" Disney edition episode ? That would be awesome !
Disney Fairytale Weddings by Alfred Angelo will available in sizes 0 to 30W at all Alfred Angelo signature stores. All gowns are priced $599- $1,199. Here's a pic of the Princess Jasmine gown.
Disney Fairytale Weddings by Alfred Angelo will available in sizes 0 to 30W at all Alfred Angelo signature stores. All gowns are priced $599- $1,199. Here's a pic of the Princess Jasmine gown.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Photoshoot: Bad Photographers, Good Models or Vice-Versa
This post is in progress. Im currently at a photoshoot and this isnt going so well so far. But maybe it'll turn out good. Well atleast let me introduce two new models: Danielle and Tanisha ! Enjoy !
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yea, i wasn't understanding this shot. |
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SET stepped in and started directing ! |
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SHOUTOUT to Jeszykaa, she killed it ! |
Ok the Photoshoot is officially over ! SHOUT OUT TO SET and KNOCKOUT CLOTHING LINE !! The shoot was fun in the end and I hope we got some awesome shots! The models were great (as always!)
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Are all Men Dogs ? Or are they un-tamed animals ?
In College you begin to realize 99.9% of guys are basically DOGS. Some are willing to be to trained, while others should be put to sleep. Some dogs men are very up-front about their needs and want. So if they admit it, does that make them more or less of a dog ? Here is a video of my cousin and her bff researching the dogs men of our generation. Enjoy and Comment.
Stuck in Limbo: Clean break-up or are you just now more confused ??
Ever been dumped or did the dumping and the situation was even more fuzzy then a t.v. that never met cable ? Why is that we can't seem to ever have a clean break without the physical fighting or cursing each other out ? Why can't people be direct or clear ? How about saying, "i dont love you anymore, we're through" ? Not so tough now, is it ? Me personally have been on both ends of the Limbo stick and have came out a situaiton more confused then I entered it. Ex #1: Texted a guy about his flaws & why i could never be with him and it would never work. He in returns texts back: "im sorry you feel that way but if you want this to work then you have to be willing and able." Ummmm im sorry but did u or didnt you read my last text ? Yep, buddy that was for you ! Oh were both confused. Blah !
Endangedered Species: Panda's, White Tigers and GentleMen
Here's a little Fairy Tale: Once upon a time, there were male suitors called "Gentlemen". They bought females flowers, took them on dates, complimented them and actually talked on the phone to there lover's. No texting or sexting, asking for ass and putty tang shot with the camera phone. Then one by one they start dying off...Were have all the "Gentlemen" gone ?
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